Liberty Homesteads
Group Land Buy Details
- Group land buys are organized as a private neighborhood, not as a commune.
- You own the land directly via an LLC, of which you and the other co-owners of the property are owners of.
- You are also a member of a regional PMA (private membership association) which gives you and your fellow community members additional legal rights and protections.
- Your share of ownership is tied to your private homestead area via the operating agreement of the LLC. This specifies your GPS coordinates, access, and other important details.
- Benefit from the community hub with shared power tools, internet connection, other amenities.
- Land price includes planned common infrastructure such as driveways, property-wide security, etc.
- Pay a small amount each year to fund property-wide expenses such as taxes, infrastructure maintenance, etc. Expect this to be $200-$600 per share per year depending on the needs of that specific property.
Legal Structure
Lands Available:
Ozark Properties
Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas, USA
8 shares available: 3.2 acre lots for $6.5k USD in NE Arkansas, USA. Only available to members of the Return to the Land private membership association. More info
Ecuador Properties
Southeast Ecuador, located near the existing Fruit Haven and Terra Frutis communities
Liberty Homesteads 5 and 6: These two adjacent farms are right next to Fruit Haven Ecovillage in southeast Ecuador. LH5 (click for info) is an 11 hectare farm with riverfront, pasture, and fish ponds, with an existing large rustic wood house that can be used as a community center. LH6 (click for info) is in the mountain just above LH5, more secluded, and accessible via the Fruit Haven private road system. The farms are being sold together so we must find a seed investor group to purchase both farms at the same time.
Liberty Homesteads 8:
This 27.8 hectare property is next to Fruit Haven Ecovillage in southeast Ecuador, so is already surrounded by like-minded survivalist homesteaders. It is accessible only via a private road.
Liberty Homesteads 11: 26 Hectares near Tutus: Eligible for private purchase or a group land buy. Seed stage, $80k. Details here.
Liberty Homesteads: Manchinatza 1-3
3 farms on the Río Zamora north of El Pangui. Seed stage, $2.7k/hectare. Details here.
Contact us with any questions: